Get specific byte from M68k memory address with C language

Through the IDA disassembler I reached this address:

0010FD74  00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00  00 00 00 00 82 03 80 02


Now I need, given the address, to get specific bytes; for example, 7th position where "03" is. I've tried using C language for this:

char *dummycharacter;
*dummycharacter = *(char*)0x10FD74;


Now if I try to access the 7th value with this:



I am not getting 0x03 ... where am I going wrong?


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1 answer

You are trying to assign a value to dummycharacter

points (which is almost non-existent since it is not initialized). Try it dummycharacter = (char*)0x10FD74;




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