How to display HTML / JSON / XML dynamically in golang with martini?

I am trying to create a simple REST API server on golang site that serves HTML, JSON, or XML format of the same date as requested by the client. I can not understand. Hope I'm not doing anything stupid.


package main

import (

type Ticket struct {
    Number      int    `json:"number"`
    Description string `json:"description"`
    State       string `json:"state"`

func dummyStatus() Ticket {

    ticket := Ticket{
        Number:      2345,
        Description: "A dummy customer ticket",
        State:       "resolved",
    return ticket

// http://localhost:3000/status/id:1
func ReadStatus(r render.Render, params martini.Params) Ticket {

    // read from DB
    return dummyStatus()

func WriteStatus(params martini.Params) Ticket {

    // write to DB
    return dummyStatus()

func main() {

    m := martini.Classic()

    m.Group("/status", func(r martini.Router) {
        r.Get("/:id", ReadStatus)
        r.Post("/:id", WriteStatus)




Result: I am requesting JSON and I just get the string

$ curl -i -H "Accept: application/json" -H "Content-Type:application/json" -X GET http://localhost:3000/status/id:12345
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Date: Wed, 24 Dec 2014 20:01:32 GMT
Content-Length: 19
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8

<main.Ticket Value>



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1 answer

With some trial and error, I figured it out, however, I am still struggling to get it to work with the routing group. If I ever figure this out, I'll update this answer. Hope this helps.

package main

import (

type Ticket struct {
    Number      int    `json:"number"`
    Description string `json:"description"`
    State       string `json:"state"`

func ReadStatus(p martini.Params) Ticket {

    ticket := Ticket{
        Number:      645,
        Description: "A dummy customer ticket " + p["id"],
        State:       "resolved",
    return ticket

func main() {

    m := martini.Classic()

    m.Get("/status/:id", func(r render.Render, params martini.Params) { r.JSON(200, ReadStatus(params)) })






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