Trying to add date in X axis - GraphView for Android

I need help, I want to show my GraphView date on DD / MM / YYYY on x axis. And in the y-axis number (Integer) ... how can I add the date to the X-axis, it only gets an int. (I am using this library )


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2 answers

You can use a custom list of horizontal labels, for example:

barGraphView.setHorizontalLabels(new String[]{"1/1/1970", "1/2/1970", "1/3/1970"});


I did something similar by constructing a String array using a for loop.



There is a post about this topic in this documentation:

There is also a specific example for dates in the axis - "Use dates as labels".

If you set the X value as a Date object or as unix epoch (millis from 1970-01-01) you can easily use this predefined label format:

graph.getGridLabelRenderer().setLabelFormatter(new DateAsXAxisLabelFormatter(getActivity()));




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