Kill all threads for completion

I am trying to create an application in ruby ​​that can be run from the command line and it does two functions: it does continuous work ( loop

with sleep

that starts some action [parsing a remote pipe]) with one thread and sinatra on the second thread. My code (simplified) looks like this:

require 'sinatra'

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  get '/' do

threads = []

threads << do
  loop do
    # do something heavy
    sleep 10

threads << do!

threads.each { |t| t.join }


The above code works really well - the synatra application starts available under 4567 ports, and the task do something heavy

starts every 10 seconds. However, I cannot kill this script.

I run it with ruby app.rb

but killing it with ctrl + c doesn't work. It only kills the sinatra stream, but the second one still works and in order to stop the script I need to close the terminal window.

I tried to kill all threads in SIGNINT but also didn't work as expected

trap "SIGINT" do
  puts "Exiting"
  threads.each { |t| Thread.kill t }
  exit 130


Can you help me? Thanks in advance.


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1 answer

To catch ctrl-c change "SIGINT" to "INT".

trap("INT") {
  puts "trapping"
    puts "killing"
    Thread.kill t


To configure Sinatra to skip trap hooks:

class MyApp < Sinatra::Base
  configure do
    set :traps, false


Ref: Ruby Signals Module

To display the available Ruby signals: Signal.list.keys

Link: Sinatra Intro

(When I run your code and the INT hook, I get the Sinatra socket warning "Already in use." I suppose this is good for your purposes, or you can solve this by doing a graceful Sinatra shutdown. See Sinatra - Server Shutdown On Demand )



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