How to access the fields of the interface in json decoding?

I have a json document and I am using a client that decodes the document in an interface (instead of a structure) as shown below:

var jsonR interface{}
err = json.Unmarshal(res, &jsonR)


How can I access the fields of the interface? I read go doc and blog , but my head still can't get it. Their example shows that you can decode json in the frontend, but does not explain how its fields can be used.

I tried using a range loop but it seems like the story ends when I reach the map interface [string]. The fields I need seem to be in the interface.

for k, v := range jsonR {
    if k == "topfield" {
        fmt.Printf("k  is %v, v is %v", k, v)





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2 answers

The meaning inside the interface depends on the json structure you are parsing. If you have a json-dictionary, dynamic type jsonR

is: map[string]interface{}


Here's an example.

package main

import (

func main() {
    a := []byte(`{"topfield": 123}`)
    var v interface{}
    if err := json.Unmarshal(a, &v); err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("unmarshal failed: %s", err)
    fmt.Printf("value is %v", v.(map[string]interface{})["topfield"])




Parsing this type can be very difficult. The default parsing type is map[string]interface{}

. The problem comes when you have another complex data structure inside the main json (like another list or object). The best way to decode json is by defining a structure to store the data. Not only will the values ​​be of the correct type, but you can retrieve the specific data that you really need.

Your structure might look like this:

type Top struct {
    Topfield int `json:"topfield"`


which can be decoded like this:

a := []byte(`{"topfield": 123}`)
var data Top
json.Unmarshal(a, &data) //parse the json into data


now you can use structure regular operations to access your data like this:

value := data.Topfield


json, which contains more complex data, can also be decoded by easyli. Perhaps you have a list in your data somewhere, you can use the following structure to extract it:

type Data struct {
    States []string `json:"states"`
    PopulationData []Country `json:"popdata"`

type Country struct {
    Id int `json:"id"`
    LastCensusPop int `json:"lcensuspopulation"`
    Gdp  float64 `json:"gdp"`


such a structure can not only parse the list, but also parse objects with fields.



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