How to change the root user open file limit, on Centos 6.4 x64

I tried several ways to change the open file limit using url

which i changed limit.conf and /etc/sysctl.conf

it works with a different user, but the open root file limit does not change


*       -        nproc           8500
*       hard     nofile          200000
*       soft     nofile          200000
*       hard     stack           8192
*       hard    sigpending       45056

root    hard     nofile          200000
root    soft     nofile          200000
root    hard     no file         200000



# Controls the maximum number of shared memory segments, in pages
kernel.shmall = 4294967296
fs.file-max = 200000


Reboot the server, after that

[root@ironman ~]# ulimit -n


Finally I add below command to / etc / bashrc and it works for root user too I don't really understand why setting only sysctl.conf / limits.conf doesn't affect?

Please inform


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1 answer

Try adding ulimit -n 200000

to file /etc/sysconfig/init

and reboot.



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