Laravel throw Error from model if condition doesn't work

I am doing all validation in Model

My rule

public static $rules = array(
        'VehicleNumber' => 'required|unique:vehicle', 
        'NumberSeats' => 'required', 
        'VehicleType' => 'required', 
        'MaximumAllowed' => 'numeric|max:3',
        'VehicleCode' => 'required|unique:vehicle');


But to change the filename and check its size, I process in SetFooAttribute

public function setInsurancePhotoAttribute($InsurancePhoto)
    if($InsurancePhoto && Input::file('InsurancePhoto')->getSize() < '1000')
    $this->attributes['InsurancePhoto'] = Input::get('VehicleCode') . '-InsurancePhoto.' . Input::file('InsurancePhoto')->getClientOriginalExtension();
    Input::file('InsurancePhoto')->move('assets/uploads/vehicle/', Input::get('VehicleCode') . '-InsurancePhoto.' . Input::file('InsurancePhoto')->getClientOriginalExtension());


In condition

if($InsurancePhoto && Input::file('InsurancePhoto')->getSize() < '1000')


If this fails, saving the customization attribute will fail.

But how can I throw an error to the user in this case?


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2 answers

You can throw an Exception with an error message.


if($InsurancePhoto && Input::file('InsurancePhoto')->getSize() < '1000') {
    // process image
} else {
    throw new \Exception('Error message');


In the controller (where you call validation) you can catch this exception and print it to the user.



getSize () returns an integer, so you shouldn't use a string for comparison as you wrote 1000 in single quotes. You can create your own validation in laravel. Check the links / ... and



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