The given URL is not allowed by the application configuration in the Eclipse Android application.

I am using Facebook login button via Facebook Phonegap SDk in android app.

I am importing Facebook Phonegap SDK as a library project in Eclipse.

I have done all the settings from the link below:

The given url is not allowed by the app config

When I run android app in emulator it displays following command error in console.

The given URL is not allowed by the application configuration. One or more of the specified URLs are not allowed by the application settings. It must match the website url or Canvas, or the domain must be a subdomain of one of the app domains. at % 252F% 252F% 252Ff8897604c% 26relation% 3Dparent.parent% 26transport% 3Dpostmessage & client_id = 1234567890 & display = none & domain & origin = 2 & redirect_uri = http% 3A% 2F% 2Fconnect2b39.fbcdn. % 253A% 252F% 252F% 252Ff8897604c% 26relation% 3Dparent% 26transport% 3Dpostmessage% 26frame% 3Df155d614cc &response_type = token% 2Csigned_request% 2Ccode & sdk = joey: 1

What could be the problem?


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1 answer

In Advanced Settings -

enter image description here



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