Correct way of passing dynamic data to angularjs directive

I am developing an AngularJS directive that should work as a separate widget that can be customized by setting attributes as objects. My main tasks are below:

  • Performs internal directive processing based on the object passed in attributes. Processing includes fetching the REST API response. I am using controllers for this.
  • After my directive does some processing, it can change the object that my parent controller should change.

Below is some sample code that covers my purpose.

Using directive:

<post-listing page-id="" config="postConfig" posts="posts" />


Code for directive

'use strict';

    .directive('postListing', function () {
      return {
          templateUrl: '/views/',
          restrict: 'EA',
          scope: {
          controller: "DirectivePostListingCtrl"



Code for directive controller:

'use strict';

    .controller('DirectivePostListingCtrl', function ($scope, $rootScope, $routeParams)
        // Here I want to access the page_id and config as the actual value

        // Here I will also update the posts array which is exposed to outside of directive.


Code for template:

<h4>Displaying Posts for {{page.title}}</h4>
    <li ng-repeat="p in posts" >{{p.title}}</li>


When I run this code, it says $ scope.page_id is either "undefined" or it says "" (based on the selected = or @ operator), where I expect it to be the value of currentPage. id.

Please suggest.

Thanks in advance.


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3 answers

You are not following the camelCase naming convention for isolated-scope property names. You will be able to access the page id if you use this config:

scope: {
    pageId: "=", 
    config: "=",
    posts: "=",


and in the controller:





<post-listing data="PostListing" />


// use this in the controller

'use strict';

    .controller('DirectivePostListingCtrl', function ($scope, $rootScope, $routeParams)
        $scope.PostListing.pageId=//Your Data
        $scope.PostListing.config=//Your Data
        $scope.PostListing.posts=//Your Data


Make changes to your directive

    .directive('postListing', function () {
      return {
          templateUrl: '/views/',
          restrict: 'EA',
          scope: {
          controller: "DirectivePostListingCtrl"



Use code in a template like

    <li ng-repeat="p in data.posts" >{{p.title}}</li>




there are three main problems :

  • with @, the attribute must be an evaluated value . Therefore, he should attribute as follows: page-id="{{}}"

    . . See the best explanation here: / ... .

  • As @dfsq said, page_id should be pageId .

Here is a plunker with a solution :

  1. Your custom directive must not be a void element . It is better to close the tag like </post-listing>

    to avoid strange behavior. In my case, chrome wraps everything inside the directive to the end of the div. Here is a plunker using transclude to show that my paragraph is wrapped inside a custom directive:


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