JQuery dataTables header click custom event

How to add custom click event for some table headers in datatable. I removed the default sort event from every column except the 1st column. So I want to add a custom event to these columns. And I want to find the index of the column that the user clicked on.

What I have tried so far is this. But I can't figure out how to find the index of the user clicked on the column.

var table = $('#example').dataTable( {
    "data": data_set,
    "columns": column_titles,
    "columnDefs": column_defs
} );

$('#example thead').on( 'click', 'th', function () {         
    alert( 'Column clicked on: ');
} );


PS I found this article https://datatables.net/reference/api/column () .header () and followed. But when I call table.cell () it gives an error.

$('#example tbody').on( 'click', 'td', function () {
    var idx = table.cell( this ).index().column;
    var title = table.column( idx ).header();

    alert( 'Column title clicked on: '+$(title).html() );
 } );



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5 answers

It's been a long time since I've been using DataTables, but I think you can achieve this with cell().index()

. Check the doc: https://datatables.net/reference/api/cell () .index ()

$('#example thead').on('click', 'th', function () {         
    alert( 'Column clicked on: ' + table.cell(this).index().column);






$(document).ready(function() {
    var table = $('#example').dataTable();
    table.on('click', 'th', function() {
        var info = table.fnSettings().aaSorting;
        var idx = info[0][0];




The code snippet I found was correct except for one small part.

Using the below code it creates the dataTable correctly.

var table = $('#example').dataTable( {
    "data": data_set,
    "columns": column_titles,
    "columnDefs": column_defs
} );


But it does not select the table correctly. So when I try to access the table object it doesn't have a "cell" method.

The code should be adjusted as

var table = $('#example').DataTable( {...


So now the table has a "cell" method.

So the final code will be as shown below.

var table = $('#example').DataTable( {
    "data": data_set,
    "columns": column_titles,
    "columnDefs": column_defs
} );

$("#example").find("thead").on('click', 'th', function(){
    var col_idx =  table.column(this).index();
    console.log("colId = " + col_idx);




You get the index when you click on the headers like this:

$('#example thead').on('click', 'th', function () {
  var index = table.column(this).index();
  alert('index : '+index);


This works with hidden columns, reordered columns, and so on.

script -> http://jsfiddle.net/1kjooq9w/



You can easily do this with the order method of the table. My technique works well.

We need to do two things here.

  • Get the current index of a column
  • Apply ascending or descending action on a specific column when the icon is clicked

Here, let's say we have a button or link that we click to bind to.

$(".arrow-sort-ascending").bind("click", {
 // Sorting should happen here


Getting the index of a column

I am using the generic way to get the column name. If you are using Jquery, we can get the column index using this.

myColumn = $(parent).prevAll().length


where the parent should be th of the specific column.

Applying an ascending or descending sort

 // ascending
 myTable.order([myColumn, "asc"]).draw()


So, if we put the code in one section, it looks like this.

table = myTable // This is datatable you initialized

$(".arrow-sort-ascending").bind("click", {table: table}, function(event){
    parent = $(event.target).parent()
    myIndex = $(parent).prevAll().length;
    table.order([myIndex, "asc"]).draw()


This way, whenever we click on the cut icon, it will sort the column with the click.



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