Asp.Net Identity, Web Project and DAL Layer

Today I need some kind of suggestion with one of the problems I am currently struggling with

I am working on a project that has 3 layers

1) DAL
2) BAL
3) Web
4) Entities (This is a separate project which contain only the entities 
         that will be use to create DB tables with EF Code first)

Entities being reference in all the 3 layers
DAL being referenced in BAL and Web
BAL being referenced in Web


I want to get a link DAL

from a project Web

, my project Web

usually talks to BAL

all the time. The only reason I have to link to is DAL

because of the classes ASP.NET Identity


and IdentityConfig.cs

. Each of the files contains one line of code that needs access to mine DBContext

, which is inside my project DAL



var manager = new ApplicationUserManager
         (new UserStore<ApplicationUser>(context.Get<MyDbContext>()));





How can I set up something that I don't need to bind to the DAL inside the web project? You can offer



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1 answer

You are creating a 4-layer architecture. Implement the appropriate logic in the data access layer and specify it in the Business Layer. So finally you can only link to BL on your network.



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