Setting up a proxy with an Alamofire session

I am trying to bind a proxy with a specific HTTP request. So I created a proxy class as shown below that grabs the proxy and binds it using kCF properties.

class Proxy {

     func configureProxy(proxy: String) -> NSURLSessionConfiguration {
        let proxyArr = proxy.componentsSeparatedByString(":")

        let host = proxyArr[0]
        let port = proxyArr[1].toInt()

        if let p  = port{
            return newSession(host, port: p)

        return NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()

     func newSession(host: String, port: Int) -> NSURLSessionConfiguration  {

        let proxyInfo = [
            kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxyHost : host as NSString,
            kCFStreamPropertyHTTPProxyPort : port,
            kCFNetworkProxiesHTTPEnable as NSString : true

        let config = NSURLSessionConfiguration.defaultSessionConfiguration()
        config.connectionProxyDictionary = proxyInfo

        return config


This is my service class that receives a request from any service class that extends it. EG (HttpBin: Service). After all the settings are done, including the correct router (which is only mutableUrlRequest), the service class is responsible for sending the HTTP request. For testing purposes, the configuration is done during the initialization of the Service class.

class Service {

    var res      = ResponseHandler()
    var alamofireManager : Alamofire.Manager?

        let ipconfig = Proxy()
        let config = ipconfig.configureProxy(VALIDPROXY)
        alamofireManager = Alamofire.Manager(configuration: config)

    func createRequest(Router : routes, type : String, completion:(response: ResponseHandler) -> Void){

        if let manager = alamofireManager {

            case "download":
                manager.request(Router).responseImage() {
                    (_, _, image, error) in

                    self.res.image   = image
                    self.res.success = true
                    completion(response: self.res)
            case "upload":
                manager.upload(Router, data: uploadData)
                    .responseJSON { (request,response, JSON, error) in
                        self.res = self.getResponse(JSON, error : error)
                    }.responseString{ (_,_,string,error) in
                        if (error != nil){
                        self.res.responseString = string
                        completion(response: self.res)
                    .responseJSON { (request,response, JSON, error) in
                        self.res = self.getResponse(JSON, error : error)
                    }.responseString{ (_,_,string,error) in
                        self.res.responseString = string
                        completion(response: self.res)


    func getResponse(serverData : AnyObject?, error: NSError?)-> ResponseHandler{

        if let data: AnyObject = serverData {

            self.res.response = SwiftyJSON.JSON(data.0)
            if(error == nil){
                self.res.success = true
                self.res.error   = error
        return self.res


When hitting my api test, the client ip from the request looks like my ip, not the one generated from the proxyInfo dictionary. manager.session.configuration.connectionProxyDictionary prints the values ​​set in the dictionary. Any ideas if something in the Alamofire framework is preventing this, or if this is my implementation, is it wrong?


I am trying to use some things by implementing NSURLProtocol and using CFReadStreamSetProperty functions to intercept requests before they are sent. No luck yet.

Edit1: :(


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