Failed to install adm class with requirement (vendor / autoload.php error on centos6.5 / php5.4
I know many users have asked the same question before, but it didn't help me ... I have a VPS (centOS6.5 / directadmin / php5.4 / SSH terminal)
I'm trying to install myself ( ) a class on my server via
These are my all steps:
First, I install getcomposer:
curl -sS | php
mv composer.phar /usr/local/bin/composer
cd /usr/local/bin/
echo '{"require": {"imagine/imagine": "~0.6.2"}}'->composer.json
After that, I ran it:
composer update
OK! everything seems to be fixed!
Now at the root of my site, I want to test it:
require 'vendor/autoload.php'; // line 2
$imagine = new Imagine\Gd\Imagine(); // line 3
But I am getting this error:
Warning: require (vendor / autoload.php): Failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/admin/domains/ on line 2
Fatal error: require (): Failed to open "vendor / autoload.php" (include_path = '.: / Usr / local / php54 / lib / php') in /home/admin/domains/ info.php on line 2
Real localization of autoload.php on my server:
There is also a "Submit" directory in the supplier directory!
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your binary file is located. You have to move composer.phar
to that location (and rename it to composer
) and then use composer
on the command line.
The file composer.json
is part of your package, it defines the packages it depends on in this file. Then you can install all required packages for the current package using composer install
/ composer update
. This will make a directory vendor
with all third party code and a preconfigured autoloader in vendor/autoload.php
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