Is there any example of a reflexive attitude?

I am trying to echo the json answer most likely mentioned below and I want to achieve this model using a reflexive relationship.

   folders : [

             id : 1,
             folders [  { id : 1, folders : [] }  ]
             id : 2,
             folders : [{ id : 1, folders : [ {id:1 , folders : [] }] }]




I have here my try children: DS.hasMany ('folders', {inverse: 'parent'}), parent: DS.belongsTo ('folders', {inverse: 'children'})
But it doesn't work at all. is there any example?


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1 answer

I have a similar structure for nested categories, modeled this way

In my models /category.js

export default DS.Model.extend({
    name: DS.attr('string'),
    description: DS.attr('string'),
    master: DS.belongsTo('category', {inverse: null})


Then in my routes /products.js I define the model hook like this

model: function() {
  return {


From controllers /products.js I have access to categories and their main categories like this

var categories = this.get('model').categories;
  for (var i=0; i < categories.get('length'); i++) {
    var master = categories.objectAt(i).get('master').get('id');


It seems that ember takes care of everything in the background after all.



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