C output Wav file did not produce any sound

I tried to generate c code generating 10 seconds of C note. But the output .wav file doesn't seem to make any sound.

I'm still new to C programming and it would be helpful if you could point out my mistakes.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <unistd.h>

//music note
#define C 261.6256

#define TIME 10
#define POINT 20
#define AMP 10000
#define c 5

//wav file header
typedef struct
    char ChuckID[4];
    unsigned long ChuckSize;
    char format[4];
    char subChunk1ID[4];
    unsigned long SubChunk1Size;
    unsigned short AudioFormat;
    unsigned short NumChannels;
    unsigned long SampleRate;
    unsigned long ByteRate;
    unsigned short block_allign;
    unsigned short bits_per_sample;
    char data[4];
    unsigned long data_size;

    /*char  riff_tag[4];
    int     riff_length;
    char    wave_tag[4];
    char    fmt_tag[4];
    int     fmt_length;
    short   audio_format;
    short   num_channels;
    int     sample_rate;
    int     byte_rate;
    short   block_align;
    short   bits_per_sample;
    char    data_tag[4];
    int     data_length;*/
} wavheader;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    wavheader wave = {"RIFF",1764036,"WAVE","fmt",16,1,1,44100,176400,4,32,"data",1764000};

    float data;
    float f = C;
    int fs = 44100;
    int k;
    float *buff;

    FILE *out_file = fopen("ongaku.wav","w");
    buff = (float*)malloc(sizeof(float)*fs*TIME);

    for (k = 0; k<(int)(TIME*fs); k++)


    return 0;



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2 answers

It works for me with 8-bit data, but unsuccessfully with 12/16-bit, let alone float

data. One thing that is important is not hardcoded header buffer sizes. Other points to look out for are the entity (I didn't need to customize) as well as the packaging structure (same thing). My use BPS/8

will also peel off when dealing with 12bit data.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define FREQ    261.6256    // C
//#define FREQ    440.0       // A
#define M_PI    3.14159265358979323846
#define TIME    10
#define AMP     64.0        // don't use max volume
#define MID     128.0       // 8-bit is range 0..255
//#define MID   0.0         // 16-bit is range -32767.. 32767
#define BPS     8
#define CHANNS  1
#define RATE    44100

//wav file header
typedef struct {
    char ChuckID[4];
    unsigned long ChuckSize;
    char format[4];
    char subChunk1ID[4];
    unsigned long SubChunk1Size;
    unsigned short AudioFormat;
    unsigned short NumChannels;
    unsigned long SampleRate;
    unsigned long ByteRate;
    unsigned short block_allign;
    unsigned short bits_per_sample;
    char data[4];
    unsigned long data_size;
} wavheader;

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int k, samples = RATE * TIME;
    double data;
    FILE *out_file;
    unsigned char *buff;
    wavheader wave = {
        36 + samples * CHANNS * BPS/8,
        "fmt ",         // "fmt" was error in OP
        RATE * CHANNS * BPS/8,
        CHANNS * BPS/8,
        samples * CHANNS * BPS/8 

    buff = malloc(BPS/8 * samples);
    out_file = fopen("ongaku.wav","w");
    fwrite(&wave, sizeof(wave), 1, out_file);
    for (k=0; k<samples; k++) {
        data = MID + AMP * sin(2 * M_PI * FREQ * TIME * k / (double)samples);
        buff[k] = (unsigned char)floor(data+0.5);
    fwrite(buff, BPS/8, samples, out_file);
    fclose (out_file);
    free (buff);
    return 0;




Put some data in buff, I think your data variable is holding that value. and after that if everything else works correctly, use



or use





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