PHP: assign function to class method

How do I assign a function to a method in a class in PHP? I tried the following:

class Something{
    public function __construct(){
        $functionNames = array('foo', 'bar')

        $variable = 'blablabla';

        foreach($functionNames as $functionName){
            if(method_exists($this, $functionName))

            $this->{$functionName}() = function($params){ //should create the methods "foo" and "bar"
                echo $variable; //should echo 'blablabla' (I know that the variable was declared outside this function, but how can I access it anyway?)
            }; //the error points to here


But this code is giving me this error:

Fatal error: Can't use method return value in write context


Does anyone know how I can assign an anonymous function to a class method and also still have access to variables outside of that function?


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1 answer

You are executing foreach($functionNames as $functionName){

which means it $functionName

is a string, not an array. So don't use $functionName[0]



takes 2 parameters. One is the object and the other is the method name. It should be:

method_exists($this, $functionName)


As for creating a function, you don't need ()

the left side =

. It should be:

$this->$functionName = function($params) use($variable){
    echo $variable;



you need to tell PHP to use this variable inside a function. The way closures work in PHP is different from other languages.

So your class should look like this:

class Something{
    public function __construct(){
        $functionNames = array('foo', 'bar');

        $variable = 'blablabla';

        foreach($functionNames as $functionName){
            if(method_exists($this, $functionName)){

            $this->$functionName = function($params) use($variable){
                echo $variable;


The problem is that in this way of creating functions, you are not actually creating a class method, but instead creating a class variable that contains the function.

So, you need to call it like this:

$test = new Something;
$foo = $test->foo;



You cannot just do $test->foo('abc');


EDIT: Another thing you can do is use PHP's __call

"magic method". This will run whenever you do ->funcName()

, whether the method exists or not. Using this method, you can simply check if the method was called 'foo'

or 'bar'

. See this example:

class Something{
    private $variable;

    public function __construct(){
        $this->variable = 'blablabla';

    public function __call($name, $params=array()){
        if(method_exists($this, $name)){
            // This makes sure methods that *do* exist continue to work
            return call_user_func(array($this, $name), $params);
            $functionNames = array('foo', 'bar');

            if(in_array($name, $functionNames)){
                // You called ->foo() or ->bar(), so do something
                // If you'd like you can call another method in the class
                echo $this->variable;


Now you can do the following:

$test = new Something;
$test->foo('abc');  // Will echo "blablabla"




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