Why does this happen with a random matrix so that all rows add up to 1?
I would like to create a random matrix whose rows add up to one. I found this question and answered How to create a random matrix so that all rows add up to 1 , which does what I exactly want.
The problem is when I did this, sometimes the amount is not exactly one.
mat = rand(2, 2);
rowsum = sum(mat, 2);
mat = bsxfun(@rdivide, mat, rowsum);
Sometimes I get something like this:
sum_test = sum(mat, 2)-1 1.0e-15 * 0 -0.2220;
I do not know why?
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Matlab uses double precision numbers, which means that there is only a finite set of numbers that can be represented. The gap between double precision numbers can be found in Matlab using the function eps
. For a value of 1, which is pretty much the value you get when you sum each row eps(1) = 2.220446049250313e-16
, which is the same numerical numerical error that you get. The error is introduced when you divide each value in the matrix. More information on Matlab precision here .
Even something like subtracting the error from the first value in each line does not completely solve the problem (although it does help). For example,
mat = rand(10,10);
rowsum = sum(mat,2);
mat = bsxfun(@rdivide,mat,rowsum);
sum_test = sum(mat,2)-1 %finite error
mat(:,1) = mat(:,1) - sum_test; %subtract the error from the first column in each row
sum_test2 = sum(mat,2)-1 %still get error
leads to
sum_test = [
sum_test2 = [ 2.220446049250313e-16 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1.110223024625157e-16 0]
(You can show that even (sum(mat,2)-0.5)-0.5
gives a different answer than sum(mat,2)-1
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