Tool to call in LLVM IR

I want to handle the call to each function of the program at the bitcode level. Suppose there is a function void f(int a)

, I need to enter the following code at the beginning of the main function.

int a;
klee_make_symbolic(&a, sizeof(a), "a");


I wrote a pass to achieve this.

 for (Module::iterator f = M.begin(), fe = M.end(); f != fe; ++f) {
  std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
  for(Function::arg_iterator ai = f->arg_begin(), ae = f->arg_end(); ai != ae; ++ai){
   Type* tp = ai->getType();   
    AllocaInst* arg = new AllocaInst(tp, "name", firstInst);
    LLVM_TYPE_Q llvm::Type *i8Ty = Type::getInt8Ty(getGlobalContext());
    Constant *fc = M.getOrInsertFunction("klee_make_symbolic",
    Function* kleeMakeSymbolic = cast<Function>(fc);

    std::vector<Value* > klee_args;
                       dl->getTypeAllocSizeInBits(tp)));// dl is DataLayout
    klee_args.push_back(arg);//I dont't know how to pass a argument of "const char *"

    // Inject a call to klee_make_symbolic
    CallInst::Create(kleeMakeSymbolic, klee_args, "", firstInst);


  // Inject a call to the function
  CallInst::Create(f, args, "", firstInst);




But I got rejected assertion:

 llvm::CallInst::init(llvm::Value*, llvm::ArrayRef<llvm::Value*>, const llvm::Twine&): Assertion `(Args.size() == FTy->getNumParams() || (FTy->isVarArg() && Args.size() > FTy->getNumParams())) && "Calling a function with bad signature!"' failed.


I'm new to LLVm, can anyone tell me what is wrong with my implementation?


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1 answer

You are passing a pointer a

to a function f

. This is a problem with your implementation.

In your code:

for (Module::iterator f = M.begin(), fe = M.end(); f != fe; ++f) {
  std::vector<llvm::Value*> args;
  for(Function::arg_iterator ai = f->arg_begin(), ae = f->arg_end(); ai != ae; ++ai){
   Type* tp = ai->getType();   
    AllocaInst* arg = new AllocaInst(tp, "name", firstInst);


  // Inject a call to the function
  CallInst::Create(f, args, "", firstInst);


you click arg

in your vector args

. arg

is a value AllocaInst

, so it is a pointer. You need a value that matches your function. You need to fix LoadInst

which one is loading from AllocaInst

and pushing LoadInst

into your vector.

For your problem:

 klee_args.push_back(arg);//I dont't know how to pass a argument of "const char *"


Look at the function CreateGlobalStringPtr

from IRBuilder

. The documentation is here . IRBuilder

is a nice helper class that makes life with LLVM IR easier.



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