Is there a selector for 2 or more elements with the same attribute value?

Is there a more elegant way to write this?

.standard {
  padding-top: 50px;
  padding-bottom: 50px;
.standard.color-0 + .standard.color-0,
.standard.color-1 + .standard.color-1,
.standard.color-2 + .standard.color-2,
.standard.color-3 + .standard.color-3,
.standard.color-4 + .standard.color-4,
.standard.color-5 + .standard.color-5,
.standard.color-6 + .standard.color-6,
.standard.color-7 + .standard.color-7,
.standard.color-8 + .standard.color-8 {
  padding-top: 0;


Maybe some kind of selector that checks for matches of classes found on 2 or more elements without actually knowing the exact class name? For example, something like:

.standard.color-* + .standard.color-* {
  padding-top: 0;


What I have (posted above) works the way I want, as far as it appears on my site, but I'm just wondering if not or not, I'm doomed to constantly add .standard.color-# + .standard.color-#

for every new color I need (for this case uses background colors for full-width tags <section>



<section class="standard color-0"></section> // top and bottom padding
<section class="standard color-1"></section> // top and bottom padding


<section class="standard color-1"></section> // top and bottom padding
<section class="standard color-1"></section> // padding-top: 0; (if both "color-#" is the exact same this loses its top padding)


EDIT: Simplified post and code. <section>

will always have class .standard

and class .color-

c .color-0

background-color: transparent;



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1 answer

Unfortunately, due to the static nature of selectors, CSS does not offer a way for one compound selector to refer to any part of another compound selector, even with regex syntax . Thus, you cannot, for example, match an element with the same class name or attribute value as its previous sibling without hard-coding the actual value in both compound selectors. The only solution is what you have.

As I mentioned in my answer to the question linked above, if you use a preprocessor, you can automate it. This will still result in the same hard-coded selectors in CSS, but the task of actually writing those selectors is dumped into the preprocessor instead. Here's an example using SCSS:

.standard {
  padding-top: 50px;
  padding-bottom: 50px;

  &%consecutive {
    padding-top: 0;

  // To accommodate more numbered classes simply edit this loop
  @for $i from 0 through 8 {
    &.color-#{$i} + &.color-#{$i} {
      @extend %consecutive;


This again requires knowing the values ​​in advance. If you cannot log all possible values ​​(or you don't want to), then you need to write a script to check the values ​​at runtime.



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