Android add symbol tm (trademark) to text

How can I place the TM character in a line of text like in HTML




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3 answers

Assuming you cannot use the generated HTML entity



you can use unicode escape

String str = "\u2122";


or character literal

String str = "β„’";




For Android String.xml - use:



For example:

<string name="company_name">Company &#8482;</string>


This will display as:

Company β„’



To add any special character, you just need to find the Unicode character. Then you can add it to the line like below:

StringBuilder myString = new StringBuilder();
char myUnicodeChar = '\u2122';


Or, as @Elliott suggested, you can just use a literal:

StringBuilder myString = new StringBuilder();
char myUnicodeChar = 'β„’';


To find a special character, you can simply specify the character name + "Unicode" in a Google search, or use one of the following links to find it:



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