Agda, type of evidence and article

In AgdaIntro, the view section explains:

.. that s does not remember the relationship between terms and templates.

This means that when determining

data   False : Set where
record True  : Set where

isTrue : Bool -> Set
isTrue true  = True
isTrue false = False

infixr 30 _:all:_
data All {A : Set}(P : A -> Set) : List A -> Set where
  all[]   : All P []
  _:all:_ : forall {x xs} -> P x -> All P xs -> All P (x :: xs) 

satisfies : {A : Set} -> (A -> Bool) -> A -> Set
satisfies p x = isTrue (p x)

data Find {A : Set}(p : A -> Bool) : List A -> Set where
  found : (xs : List A)(y : A) -> satisfies p y -> (ys : List A) -> 
           Find p (xs ++ y :: ys)
  not-found : forall {xs} -> All (satisfies (not   p)) xs -> 
              Find p xs


And you want to prove

find1 :{A:Set}(p:A->Bool)(xs:ListA)->Find p xs 
find1 p [] = not-found all []
find1 p(x::xs) with p x
...| true  = found [] x {!!} xs
...| false = {!!}


Hole type ({!!}) isTrue (px), although we already matched px and found out that this is true.

The compiler does not know that we have matched the pattern on px and is asking us to prove that px is true!

This motivates the introduction of a new type,

.. the type of elements of type A together with proofs that they are equal to some given x in A.

data Inspect {A : Set}(x : A) : Set where
  it : (y : A) -> x == y -> Inspect x

inspect : {A : Set}(x : A) -> Inspect x
inspect x = it x refl


With this type, the find function can be written:

trueIsTrue : {x : Bool} -> x == true -> isTrue x
trueIsTrue refl = _

falseIsFalse : {x : Bool} -> x == false -> isFalse x
falseIsFalse refl = _

find : {A : Set}(p : A -> Bool)(xs : List A) -> Find p xs
find p [] = not-found all[]
find p (x :: xs) with inspect (p x)
... | it true prf = found [] x (trueIsTrue prf) xs
... | it false prf with find p xs
find p (x :: ._) | it false _   | found xs y py ys =
  found (x :: xs) y py ys
find p (x :: xs) | it false prf | not-found npxs =
  not-found (falseIsFalse prf :all: npxs)


NOW, If I want to prove the following property:

predicate : ∀ {A : Set} {p : A -> Bool } {xs : List A } -> 
            All (satisfies' p) (filter p xs)


I will have the same problem when searching, so I need to match a pattern to validate to get a witness, but I ALSO have to have a compiler to step through the filter in casep x == true

If I do parallel pattern matching, the compiler treats them as independent expressions

predicate {A} {p} {xs = []} = all[]
predicate {A} {p} {xs = x :: xs} with p x
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | px with  inspect (p x) 
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | true | it true pf = {!!}
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | true | it false pf = {!!} 
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | false | it true pf = {!!}
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | false | it false pf = {!!}


How can I tell the compiler that the two branches are linked in some way? Should I add proof of this?


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1 answer

Just don't match the pattern on p x


predicate {A} {p} {xs = []} = all[]
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} with inspect (p x) 
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | it true  pf rewrite pf = {!!}
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | it false pf rewrite pf = {!!}


Note that the idiom is inspect

deprecated. Use test steroids . You can find it in the standard library here .

Your code will become

predicate : ∀ {A : Set} {p : A -> Bool } {xs : List A } -> 
            All (satisfies p) (filter p xs)  
predicate {A} {p} {xs = []} = all[]
predicate {A} {p} {xs = x :: xs} with p x | inspect p x
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | true  | [ pf ] = {!!}
predicate {A} {p} {x :: xs} | false | [ pf ] = {!!}


c pf

is in the first hole

.Data.Unit.Core.reveal (.Data.Unit.Core.hide p x) == true


which beta boils down to p x == true

. That is, if you have

test : ∀ {A : Set} {p : A -> Bool} {x} -> p x == true -> True
test _ = _ 


then placing test {p = p} pf

in the first hole and typing Cc Cd you get True




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