Left Join search results return bad results

I've been trying for hours to make a left-hand MySQL connection query.
I have a table called "at_friends" where I store the relationship between users.

id  |  id_user1 |  id_user2  |  accepted
1   |  2        |  1         |  1
2   |  1        |  3         |  0


This means that user 1 is a friend with user 2, and user 1 has sent a request to a friend of user.

And here is my table "at_users"

id  |  name
1   |  "John"   
2   |  "Mike"   
3   |  "Bob"    


I tried this query:

SELECT at_users.id, at_users.name
    FROM at_users 
    LEFT JOIN at_friends
         ON at_friends.id_user1 = at_users.id
         OR at_friends.id_user2 = at_users.id
         AND at_friends.accepted = 1
    WHERE id_user1 = 1 OR id_user2 = 1


"1" - unique identifier of the current user (John)

But I am getting these results

id  |  name
1   |  "John"   
2   |  "Mike"   
1   |  "John"    


What I'm trying to get is user n ° 1's accepted friends list.

By the way, I'm using Laravel, but I don't know if there is a way to do this without a special mysql query.


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3 answers

Try the following:

SELECT u.id, u.name
FROM at_users u 
INNER JOIN (SELECT id_user2 AS friendID FROM at_friends WHERE id_user1 = 1 AND accepted = 1
            SELECT id_user1 AS friendID FROM at_friends WHERE id_user2 = 1 AND accepted = 1
           ) AS A ON u.id = A.friendID




An alternative that only requires one scan of the friends table:

SELECT u.id, u.name
FROM at_users u 
JOIN at_friends f
  ON 1 in (f.id_user1, f.id_user2) and
     u.id = case f.id_user1 when 1 then id_user2 else id_user1 end and 


SQLFiddle here.



I know this question already has an accepted answer, but I wanted to add this ...

There is a Laravel way!

Add this helper method to the model User

public function friends(){
    $id = $this->id;
    return $this->join('at_friends', function($q) use ($id){
        $q->on('at_friends.id_user2', '=', 'users.id');
        $q->where('at_friends.id_user1', '=', $id);
        $q->orOn('at_friends.id_user1', '=', 'users.id');
        $q->where('at_friends.id_user2', '=', $id);


This is how you can use it

$user = User::find(1);
$user->friends()->where('accepted', true)->get();


If you want to be able to add this attribute to the model:

public function getFriendsAttribute(){
    return $this->friends()->where('accepted', true)->get();


And use it like this:





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