Add each column with the last value of the last column of the row to dataframe R

I want to add each column of data with the last column of the row in R. My data file is

L   E   B1  P   B2  M   Value
5   5   0   20  2   5   100
10  6   0   40  15  2   150
6   15  0   50  6   10  160
1   10  0   55  5   20  160
0   20  0   80  0   20  200
10  1   20  80  10  10  250
8   2   40  30  5   10  300
5   3   60  30  5   20  350
5   4   30  75  5   20  400
1   0   50  80  0   10  400
2   0   40  60  5   20  500
0   0   60  50  0   30  500


So the first line will be like -

L   E   B1  P   B2  M   Value
5*100   5*100   0*100   20*100  2*100   5*100   100
10  6   0   40  15  2   150
6   15  0   50  6   10  160
1   10  0   55  5   20  160
0   20  0   80  0   20  200
10  1   20  80  10  10  250
8   2   40  30  5   10  300
5   3   60  30  5   20  350
5   4   30  75  5   20  400
1   0   50  80  0   10  400
2   0   40  60  5   20  500
0   0   60  50  0   30  500


I tried using lapply

lapply(df1, function(x) x * tail(x,1) )


But this takes the value of the row, so how do I get each value of the last column of the row, or any particular column to add with all other column values โ€‹โ€‹in R


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4 answers

It is not clear if you want to multiply or divide (there seems to be a contradiction between what you are asking and your own attempt), but here is an approach to multiply:

cbind(mydf[-length(mydf)] * mydf[[length(mydf)]], mydf[length(mydf)])
#       L    E    B1     P   B2     M Value
# 1   500  500     0  2000  200   500   100
# 2  1500  900     0  6000 2250   300   150
# 3   960 2400     0  8000  960  1600   160
# 4   160 1600     0  8800  800  3200   160
# 5     0 4000     0 16000    0  4000   200
# 6  2500  250  5000 20000 2500  2500   250
# 7  2400  600 12000  9000 1500  3000   300
# 8  1750 1050 21000 10500 1750  7000   350
# 9  2000 1600 12000 30000 2000  8000   400
# 10  400    0 20000 32000    0  4000   400
# 11 1000    0 20000 30000 2500 10000   500
# 12    0    0 30000 25000    0 15000   500


The basic idea is to simply multiply all columns except the last one by the values โ€‹โ€‹in the last column. Since this column has been removed, you add it back with cbind




Using dplyr and assuming your dataframe is df:


df %>% mutate_each(funs(. * Value), -Value)




Here's another basic R option:

n <- ncol(df)
df[-n] <- df[-n] * df[[n]]


Note: running this code will modify the existing data.frame file. If you want to create a new data.frame and keep the old one as it is, you'd be better off using the answer by Ananda Mahto or one of the others.



To complete the image, you can also update the data from the link with the package data.table

setDT(df)[, names(df)[-length(df)] := 
            lapply(.SD, "*", df$Value), 
            .SDcols = -"Value"]
#        L    E    B1     P   B2     M Value
#  1:  500  500     0  2000  200   500   100
#  2: 1500  900     0  6000 2250   300   150
#  3:  960 2400     0  8000  960  1600   160
#  4:  160 1600     0  8800  800  3200   160
#  5:    0 4000     0 16000    0  4000   200
#  6: 2500  250  5000 20000 2500  2500   250
#  7: 2400  600 12000  9000 1500  3000   300
#  8: 1750 1050 21000 10500 1750  7000   350
#  9: 2000 1600 12000 30000 2000  8000   400
# 10:  400    0 20000 32000    0  4000   400
# 11: 1000    0 20000 30000 2500 10000   500
# 12:    0    0 30000 25000    0 15000   500




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