How to delete cookies
I wrote a web application that sets a cookie and deletes it. To clarify the scenario, I mean the following piece of code.
package main
import (
func rootHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
fmt.Fprintf(rw, "Hello Foo")
func setCookieHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
c := &http.Cookie{
Name: "storage",
Value: "value",
Path: "/",
MaxAge: 0,
HttpOnly: true,
http.SetCookie(rw, c)
func deleteCookieHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
c, err := r.Cookie("storage")
if err != nil {
c.Name = "Deleted"
c.Value = "Unuse"
c.Expires = time.Unix(1414414788, 1414414788000)
func readCookieHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
c, err := r.Cookie("storage")
if err != nil {
func evaluateCookieHandler(rw http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
c, err := r.Cookie("storage")
if err != nil {
if time.Now().After(c.Expires) {
fmt.Println("Cookie is expired.")
func main() {
mux := mux.NewRouter()
mux.HandleFunc("/", rootHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/cookie", setCookieHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/delete", deleteCookieHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/read", readCookieHandler)
mux.HandleFunc("/eval", evaluateCookieHandler)
http.ListenAndServe(":3000", mux)
As you can see, when I go to / cookie, it will be set as a cookie. Then when I call / delete it should change the name, value and elapsed time from the cookie. The elapsed time changes, but the name and value do not.
What I need is to delete the cookie from the browser to log out of the authentication system when the user clicks the logout button to delete the cookie.
I also open this link and follow the guidelines, but it doesn't work as expected.
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