How can I query Riak 1.4 for indexing and then search my document based on the properties of the embedded document?

Working with Riak 1.4.7

I have a document that has a property that is an array of inline documents. Here's an example doc:

{"prospect":true, "name":"HzNUeioPYynsGdXL6iSFvQ",
"e_shops":[{"store_url":"","display_name":"hello there"},
           {"store_url":"","display_name":"hello2 there"}]


The corresponding bucket has an index on and is working fine. For example, the following search command finds the object without issue:

search-cmd search index_name


The question here is how can I search for eg store_url



is a property of an embedded document, which in turn is an element of an array property of the main document.

1) Do I have to specify a custom schema file for the index to index these properties?

2) Do I need to ask for some special syntax?


source to share

1 answer

By default, the JSON extractor should handle this case by concatenating all the values ​​in the array in a space-separated list. Nested names are processed by combining them with an underscore. Therefore, in this case, the field e_shops_store_url

will contain

. You can request this field as usual.

I've demonstrated a quick example:

root@node1:~# search-cmd install searchtest

 :: Installing Riak Search <--> KV hook on bucket 'searchtest'.
root@node1:~# curl \
-XPUT -H"content-type:application/json" \
-d '{"prospect":true, "name":"HzNUeioPYynsGdXL6iSFvQ",
> "contact_email":"",
> "e_shops":[{"store_url":"","display_name":"hello there"},
>            {"store_url":"","display_name":"hello2 there"}]
> }'
root@node1:~# curl \
-XPUT -H"content-type:application/json" \
-d '{"prospect":true, "name":"-HzNUeioPYynsGdXL6iSFvQ",
>"e_shops":[{"store_url":"","display_name":"hello there"},
>           {"store_url":"","display_name":"hello3 there"}]
root@node1:~# search-cmd search-doc searchtest

 :: Searching for '' / '' in searchtest...


index/id: searchtest/test1
<<"contact_email">> => <<"">>
<<"e_shops_display_name">> => <<"hello there hello2 there">>
<<"e_shops_store_url">> => <<"">>
<<"name">> => <<"HzNUeioPYynsGdXL6iSFvQ">>
<<"prospect">> => <<"true">>


index/id: searchtest/test2
<<"contact_email">> => <<"">>
<<"e_shops_display_name">> => <<"hello there hello3 there">>
<<"e_shops_store_url">> => <<"">>
<<"name">> => <<"-HzNUeioPYynsGdXL6iSFvQ">>
<<"prospect">> => <<"true">>


 :: Found 2 results.
 :: Maximum score "0.353553".




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