Tesseract OCR in osX app

I am working on an os X application in which I would like to use Tesseract.

I found many code examples for iOS apps like here but not for os X apps.

The problem is architecture (different in iOS and os X?):

    ld: warning: ld: warning: ignoring file /Users/jerrycor3/Desktop/tesseract-ios-master/tesseract-ios-lib/lib/liblept.a, missing required architecture x86_64 in file /Users/jerrycor3/Desktop/tesseract-ios-master/tesseract-ios-lib/lib/liblept.a (3 slices)ignoring file /Users/jerrycor3/Desktop/tesseract-ios-master/tesseract-ios-lib/lib/libtesseract_all.a, missing required architecture x86_64 in file /Users/jerrycor3/Desktop/tesseract-ios-master/tesseract-ios-lib/lib/libtesseract_all.a (3 slices)

Undefined symbols for architecture x86_64:
  "STRING::STRING(char const*)", referenced from:
      -[Tesseract initEngine] in Tesseract.o
  "STRING::STRING(STRING const&)", referenced from:
      GenericVector<STRING>::clear() in Tesseract.o
  "STRING::STRING()", referenced from:


Do you know any sample code or tutorial that explains how to use Tesseract in os X please?


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