Django testing external script

I want to do testing on a script that interacts with my Django application, namely the database. Usually, when we want to test something in Django, we just run the built-in test suite. With this suite of tests, we even get nice command line switches, like overriding the builtin

with a different settings file:

python test myApp --settings='settings_test'


Here's the problem:

1) I want to test the mentioned script which is not part of the application, so I don't know how to call the test suite using

. Is it possible? I.e:.

python test /path/ --settings='settings_test'



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1 answer

I would suggest using a different test runner.

You can do pip install django-nose

and then set the next parameter

TEST_RUNNER = `django_nose.NoseTestSuiteRunner`


You can now run tests with

./ test 


and the Nose tester will search all subfolders for folders named tests

and in those folders it will look for files ending with

(and in those files it will look for classes that descend from TestCase

as usual).

So your project structure should look something like this:

- Project-Root/
  - Your-Non-App-Code/
    - tests/


For more information on how to install django-nose check their Github repository:



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