Stylus that does not allow subtraction

We noticed an issue when using the Semantic Grid stylus.

*width total-width * ((((gutter-width + column-width ) * x) - gutter-width) / _gridsystem-width)-correction


processes something along lines (reads different numbers)

  *width: 89.5833333333333% -correction;


So, I decided to do an experiment. On startup, stylus -i

I found that subtraction also doesn't work (at all)

To make sure I wrote this in my file

    font-size y-x


which processes

.something {
  font-size: y-x;


I've gone crazy? Did I misinterpret the statements with the stylus? Pending results here, I can open a ticket to github. I found another person with a percentage question that highlights that the operator -

is not working as expected. However, this doesn't seem like my problem.

TL; DR: Basic math without units doesn't seem to work


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1 answer

This is a known issue, dash -

counts as part of a variable name, so when you write -correction

Stylus sees it as a variable -correction


The obvious solution is to always use spaces around the minus: - correction

this way Stylus always recognizes the operator.



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