The problem is that Typed.js is blinking the cursor inside the form input

Using the iQuery Typed.js plugin I am trying to get the blinking cursor to appear inside the form input. I tried chatting with it and even copying the examples I found on the internet for sure, but it still appears outside of the form input. Any ideas?

here is a fiddle showing the problem:

        strings: ["Web Developer", "Graphic Designer", "Mobile Developer", "Road Warrior", "DevOps", "Real Estate Agent", "Accountant", "Product Manager", "CEO"],
        attr: "placeholder",
        typeSpeed: 100



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2 answers

remove the blinking css animation and add a blank line using quotes like:

, "" at the end of the loop you will have a blinking cursor.
        strings: ["Web Developer", "pimp", ""],
        attr: "placeholder",
        typeSpeed: 100


UPDATED fiddle



I know this is an old post and you can't use it anymore, but you just need to put the remaining storage class:

.yourclass {
    float: left;




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