Can ArrayDataProvider be used as ActiveDataProvider?

I am trying to use fill list list using ArrayDataProvider. However, the dataProvider is made up of arrays, not objects. I ran into this problem because the category in the model is an id where I need a name that matches that id from another table. Hence, I created an array where id is the appropriate name.

private function getDataProvider()
    return new ArrayDataProvider([
        'allModels'=>$this->getFaqs(), // returns array of faqs


Here is my ListView widget

echo ListView::widget([
'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
'itemView' => function($dataProvider, $key, $index, $widget)
    return Html::a($dataProvider->question,
            Url::toRoute(['faq/view', 'id' => $dataProvider->primaryKey]));



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1 answer

It works, I use it like this

$dataProvider = new ArrayDataProvider([
            'allModels' => [['name' => '0am - 6am'], ['name' => '6am - 9pm'], ['name' => '9am - 12pm'], ['name' => '12pm - 3pm'], ['name' => '3pm - 6pm']],

<?= ListView::widget([
    'dataProvider' => $dataProvider,
    'layout' => "{items}",
    'itemOptions' => ['class' => 'item', 'style' => 'margin-bottom: 5px;'],
    'itemView' => function ($model, $key, $index, $widget) use ($transportRun) {
        //return print_r($model, true);
        return Html::a(Html::encode($model['name']), ['delivery/index', 'DeliverySearch' => ['transport_run' => $transportRun, 'timeslot' => $key]],  ['class' => 'btn btn-lg btn-primary btn-block']);
]) ?>


ListView and GridView can use any class that implements yii \ data \ DataProviderInterface. You can look here to see who implements it, so you can use any of these classes in both ListView and GridView.

You can also do

'allModels'=>$this->faqs, // returns array of faqs




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