Why does foldr work with infinite lists in Haskell but foldl doesn't?

I am working on understanding foldl

vs foldr

vs foldl'

in Haskell. I understand that it is a consensus to use foldr

when f

lazy in the second argument as it reflects the structure of the list. foldl'

it is better when we know that the entire list needs to be processed, but f

is strict in its arguments.

I am especially interested in this situation:

foldr (&&) False (repeat False)


returns False



foldl (&&) False (repeat False)


never ends.


expands to:

False && (False && (False && .... (False && *False*)) ... )


Whereas foldl


  && (... (&& (&& *False* False) False) ...) False


Stars are the base register False

passed to fold


Is it foldr

possible to terminate immediately because the LHS is just one False

while the foldl

only one False

is on the right, and it doesn't "check" it while it has finished processing the left side?


source to share

1 answer

Look at the relevant definitions (not exactly the same as those from the Prelude , but equivalent for this analysis).

(&&) :: Bool -> Bool -> Bool
True && x = x
False && _ = False

foldr :: (a -> b -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldr f z [] = z
foldr f z (x:xs) = f x (foldr f z xs)

foldl :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> [a] -> b
foldl f z [] = z
foldl f z (x:xs) = foldl f (f z x) xs


Look at the opportunities that each foldr

and foldl

must give results. Both of them produce results immediately when given []

. In case (x:xs)


also has the ability to give a result if it f

returns immediately without evaluating its right argument (which is a recursive call). foldl

does not have this, since its an external call for itself, so the only time foldl

can give any information back in a case []

that is never reached for an infinite list.

In such examples, I find it helpful to do a manual assessment. Recall that the order of evaluation of Haskell is out-of-bounds: we evaluate as little as possible to get a good match for the outer function's application pattern. I will make the following function in italics, which will be evaluated at each step. foldr


  foldr (&&) False ( repeat False)
= foldr (&&) False (False: repeat False)
= False && foldr (&&) False (repeat False)
= False

And it foldl

reveals the problem:

  foldl (&&) False ( repeat False)
= foldl (&&) False (False: repeat False)
= foldl (&&) (False && False) ( repeat False)
= foldl (&&) (False && False) (False: repeat False)
= foldl (&&) ((False && False) && False) ( repeat False)
= foldl (&&) ((False && False) && False) (False: repeat False)
= foldl (&&) (((False && False) && False) && False) ( repeat False)

etc. Note that even if we (&&)

had the opportunity to simplify by checking both sides, we still never get the opportunity to return it, since we never get to the case []


However, the order that (&&)

evaluates its arguments still matters (it evaluates to the left first, determined by pattern matching semantics). We can flip

order the arguments and see what does foldr


ghci> foldr (flip (&&)) False (repeat False)


(exercise) Why is this?



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