Should I use Boost Variant for a class with different type parameters

I'm new to C ++ and I'm not sure what is the best way to model a class to represent a table of columns; where column is a wrapper around an STL vector named (string) and must either be   Column<int>

, Column<float>

or Column<std::string>


At the moment I have tied it hard to Column<int>

, but have to support Column<float>

or Column<std::string>


Should I go down the route of the forced option (aka tagged union)?

boost::variant<Column<int>*, Column<float>*, Column<std::string>*>


Not sure if there is a better solution as it is just a type parameter that is different.

I would be grateful to the C ++ gods to share their wisdom.

template <typename T>
class Column
    Column(std::string& name, std::vector<T>& vec) : name(name), vec(vec) {}
    T& at(const size_t i) { return vec[i]; }
    std::string name;
    std::vector<T> vec;

class Table
    Table(std::string& name) : name{name} {}

    void addColumn(Column<int>* vec) 

    Column<int>*& getColumn(const size_t i)
        return columns[i];
    std::string name;
    std::vector<Column<int>*> columns;



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2 answers

Yes, using Boost.Variant makes sense for this. However, you don't need to use pointers; instead:

boost::variant<Column<int>, Column<float>, Column<std::string>>




If a variant suits your use case: a must! Template instances are just types.

  • You may be able to switch the design to something more than

    Column<boost::variant<int, float, std::string>>

    instead of this

  • You can create a variant from a list of types:

    column_variant<int, float, std::string>

    In C ++ 11, this is pretty trivial:

    Live On Coliru

    template <typename... Ts>
    using make_column_variant = typename boost::make_variant_over<boost::mpl::vector<Column<Ts>...>>::type;

    Here's the C ++ 03 version:

    Live On Coliru

    #include <boost/variant.hpp>
    #include <boost/mpl/vector.hpp>
    #include <iostream>
    template <typename T> struct Column { 
        T v; 
        Column(T const& v) : v(v) {}
        friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, Column<T> const& cv) {
            return os << cv.v;
    /* c++03 helper */
    namespace mpl = boost::mpl;
    template <typename Seq>
    struct make_column_variant
        typedef typename mpl::transform<
            mpl::back_inserter<mpl::vector<> > 
        >::type columns;
        typedef typename boost::make_variant_over<columns>::type type;
    int main() {
        make_column_variant<mpl::vector<int, float, std::string> >::type v(std::string("hello world"));
        std::cout << v;

    It could be significantly shorter in C ++ 11



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