How to create interface and controls like Apple Music app in Android?
I want to create a performance and animation like Apple Music App available on iOS. But, I want to do it in Android like above video calling.
Is it possible to create such views in Android? How can I achieve this? How to do it?
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This question has already been asked, but there is no answer.
I want to implement something like Apple's new app that syncs with iTunes. Bubbles on the go, according to the mood we can choose the music, genre, etc. I want this type of moving bubble gesture in Android. Can anyone help me how to understand and play with gestures or control the movement of these bubbles anywhere on the screen. Also is there any support library, if available, would be very helpful for implementation and further advancement. Bubbles should be generated randomly when the web service is called.
Any suggestion on this would be helpful.
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I used box2d with libGdx to setup gradle in android studio ... u can link to my project on github which has selective bubbles in random movement and you can ask if there is any doubt ... https: // github .com / mohitKejriwal / Bubble-UI-Android
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