Unable to determine storage version - Entity Framework

I am using the first code template in a separate project in my current solution. Since I have done this and I am initializing the connection string in DbContext

, I am getting this strange error:

Failed to determine the version of the repository; a valid storage connection or version required.

I am using Entity Framework and the rest of my solution projects work fine as they use files EDMX

to access the database, but only my first code project throws this exception. What is it and why?


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5 answers

The issue seemed to be resolved when I updated the Entity Framework for each project using it in Entity Framework 6.1.2.

Works like a charm!



Solved the same problem:

Go to Solution Explorer

  • Right click on the "xxx.edmx" file
  • Select "Open With" → XML Editor
  • Change ProviderManifestToken = "XXXX" from 2008


EF table blob __MigrationHistory

, assuming you were just playing around with migrations in the test.



Install EFTools6.1.3ForVS2012, mine is solved.



I had the same problem. In my case, for some reason, there was no entity structure section in the configSections tag in the application config. adding this solved my problem.

required app.config / web.config line



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