Jquery tr confusion selection

I started working with jQuery again after a few months and got a little confused. I went to news.ycombinator.com , went to console in chrome and typed $('tr')

to get an array of strings, but it only returned the first row (although the first table has 3 rows).

When I type var x = $('tr:odd')

chrome in the console, I get the error

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to execute 'querySelector' on 'Document': 'tr:odd' is not a valid selector.


Am I missing something obvious?


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1 answer

Want an array of all tr ​​tags?

The site does not use jQuery. Try it with regular Javascript in your console:



This will return an array with all tags that exist in the DOM.

To use "$" to select elements, the site must load jQuery in the header.

Now, what do you want to do with this choice?



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