The meaning of "" in Java conditional statement

I am reading a Java tutorial and have some examples of the following form:

if (true "" false) {
    //do something


where true

and false

are actually some test conditions, but ""

is a literal set of double quotes. My question is, what do the double quotes mean in this context? Is this the same as &&

or ||

? If so, why not just use familiar symbols?


if (grid [i] [j] != WALL "" grid [i] [j] != CORRIDOR {
    throw new NumberFormatException();


where WALL and CORRIDOR are defined public static final byte

here is a snapshot [ Data Structures and the Java Collections Framework Third Edition by William J. Collins published by Wiley ISBN 9780470482674 -page 200


enter image description here


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1 answer

It sounds bogus, but you can test your keyboard, the "button and |" very close, so the most likely answer is an editor's typo.



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