Is the Windows Installer source code for Windows NSIS only available on the Internet?

Android Only the SDK Tools includes the official Android emulator and many other useful things.

The source code for these tools is not that hard to find. But I'm looking for source code for the NSIS installer source code that installs these tools on Windows machines.

Please note, I am not looking for the source code of the Android Studio installer . Instead, I'm looking for the source code of the SDK Tools Only installer.

Is it available anywhere on the Internet?


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1 answer

I mentioned my request in the android tracker release. From what David Herman at Google wrote in response, it looks like it's not available online. He wrote:

I'm not sure if the plans for the SDK installer are going forward - it might be out of date from the current installer, especially as we are running more and more SDK functionality in Android Studio. At least I'll go over it and see if porting it to AOSP is trivial or not.

Now let's look at the definition of BUNDLE_SDK in the Android Studio installer. This tiny subset is most likely similar to what the SDK offline installer does. (Basically, a skeleton SDK somewhere on your computer and package it using NSIS).

Note that a lot of fixes and polish changes have been patched to our current installer, and I think the SDK installer is a fork of the old installer long before any of these changes came in. the current installer and clipping all code scripts related to the DIR_SRC define (which points to the source directory to get a clean copy of Android Studio). It might even be a valid approach that we are doing going forward to the legacy existing SDK installer (add a new BUNDLE_STUDIO define for example)



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