How do I integrate Parse with third party user authentication?
I am creating a mobile app where users have to authenticate through TrueVault, which is a HIPAA compliant data store. TrueVault offers a REST API and generates a basic mail access token authentication. They have endpoints to check the validity of the token, etc.
We need to do 2 things:
1) Authenticate all users through TrueVault and store the auto-generated TrueVault ID in Parse for easy data matching.
2) Configure an interceptor in Parse that checks the access token with TrueVault before serving the protected resource.
What would be the easiest and most efficient way to implement the above? I followed a tutorial to add third party oAuth proponents to mobile apps, but TrueVault doesn't have oAuth yet and therefore only requires authorization through Basic Auth. Also, do we need cloud-based code for the above or custom webhooks?
Thank you Samir
I suggest you use modification, Gson (or jackson) and rxjava (rxAndroid) to handle all api calls, I did a quick tour of the api documentation and these libraries should work for this problem.