Include conditional properties in anonymous types

Suppose I have the following anonymous type

var g = records.Select(r => new
    Id = r.CardholderNo,
    TimeIn = r.ArriveTime,
    TimeOut = r.LeaveTime,


Is it possible to do something like the following:

var g = records.Select(r => new
    Id = r.CardholderNo,
    if (condition) 
        TimeIn = r.ArriveTime;
    TimeOut = r.LeaveTime,
    //many more properties that I'd like to be dependant on conditions.


How can I get the anonymous type based on conditions?


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4 answers

Directly using the operator if

, but you can do it with the ternary operator (if it TimeIn

has a type DateTime


var g = records.Select(r => new

    Id = r.CardholderNo,
    TimeIn = condition ? r.ArriveTime : (DateTime?)null;
    TimeOut = r.LeaveTime


Note that this property will always appear in your anonymous type. If this is not the desired behavior, then you cannot do it this way.

I would suggest thinking about the readability of your code, not just "how can I shorten these few lines to make it look neat".



Not. Anonymous types are like any other type. It has a fixed list of properties. You cannot add or remove properties dynamically.

I suggest either setting a property null

as in the other answers, or using Dictionary

where you add the corresponding properties and their values.



You can do this using the thermal operator :?:

The syntax is as follows:

TimeIn = condition ? r.ArriveTime : (DateTime?)null // Or DateTime.Min or whatever value you want to use as default



After thinking about your problem for a couple of minutes, I came up with the following code that you should never use;)

using System;

class Program
    static void Main(string[] args)
        DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;

        bool condition = true;

        dynamic result = condition ?
                id = 1,
                prop = dt
                id = 2,

        if (condition) Console.WriteLine(result.prop);


This code should never be used in production due to its terrible readability and this is indeed a bug. However, as an example of learning what is possible with the language, it is quite enjoyable.



If you really need if

(or any other operator) to create an anonymous type, you can try this not very acceptable solution:

var g = records.Select(r => new
    Id = r.CardholderNo,
    TimeIn = new Func<DateTime?, DateTime?>(x =>
            if (...)
                return x;
                return null;
    TimeOut = r.LeaveTime,




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