C ++ multidimensional array initialization
In C ++, when I want to initialize an array of some length (like integers), I can just write
int* tab;
tab = new int[size];
where the size is listed somewhere else. But how do I do it the same way when it comes to multidimensional array? I can't just add other dimensions on the second line because the compiler doesn't like it ...
This is a simple question I think. I need this as I am writing assignment in object oriented programming and the 2D array is a private part of the class to be ... constructed in the constructor (with two dimensions as parameters).
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3 answers
Usage std::vector
is a safe way:
std::vector<std::vector<int>> mat(size1, std::vector<int>(size2));
if you really want to use it new
int** mat = new int*[size1];
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != size1; ++i) {
mat[i] = new int[size2];
And don't forget to clean up resources:
for (std::size_t i = 0; i != size1; ++i) {
delete [] mat[i];
delete[] mat;
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