.htaccess redirect to another directory

I have a problem with .htaccess which is rewriting my url. I've created a simple dynamic website and I can't figure out how to fix it. This is my login url localhost / foss / after successful login the user will be redirected to localhost / foss / main

here is my .htaccess code

RewriteEngine on
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)$ index.php?p=$1
RewriteRule ^([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/$ index.php?p=$1


and here is my php that handles the include files depending on the p value.

    $page = $_GET['p'];
    $pages = array('home', 'inv_view', 'inv_add', 'inv_delete', 'inv_edit', 's_view', 's_add', 's_delete', 'change_pass', 'register', 'logout');
    if (!empty($page))
        if(in_array($page, $pages))
            include $page . '.php';
            echo 'Page not found!';
        include 'home.php';         


this works fine, only the weirdest things that happen is after the user is redirected to localhost / foss / main .htaccess rewrites url to localhost / foss / main /? p = main, but when I select a link like localhost / foss / main / home it works fine. how can i get rid of? p = main after user login and redirected to localhost / foss / main


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1 answer

The reason this behavior is happening is because the module mod_dir

runs after mod_rewrite

and adds a trailing slash in front of the directory main/

after your rewrite rule and you get the final URL as localhost/foss/main/?p=main


To fix this problem, you have a trailing slash in your update tag:

header('refresh: 5; url = main/'); 




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