Shortest path algorithm with updates

There are N cities and M bidirectional roads are connected to them, I need to find the shortest path between two fixed cities A and B.

But the problem is that Q-queries are set in such a way that the path between the two cities is blocked, I need to find the shortest path in each Q-query.

My time The complexity is at my brute strength Algorithm is O (QNlogN) which give me time limit exceeded, how can I improve my solution please help

Pseduo code:

for u in Q:
graph[a][b] = graph[b][a] = INFINITY VALUE
dijkstra algorithm();


LINK problem

MY CODE that gives me the time limit is exceeded

Plese Help How to improve the algorithm?


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1 answer

Article Pricing and Vickrey's Short Cuts: What is an Advantage? John Hershberger and Subash Suri show how to solve this problem in O (NlogN + M) time, where N is the number of vertices and M is the number of edges.

This allows you to pre-compute the M responses depending on which road is blocked, so you can answer each query in O (1), for a total complexity of O (NlogN + M + Q).



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