Swipe gestures on android in unity
I am trying to achieve unity so that I can understand that I am swiping to the right, I solved this, but my problem is that it does not understand this until I take my finger off the screen.
My question is how can I make it so that it knows that I went to the right and then left and then everything again without touching the screen with my finger
Here is the code that I have so far
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class Gestures : MonoBehaviour {
private Vector2 fingerStart;
private Vector2 fingerEnd;
public int leftRight = 0;
public int upDown = 0;
void Update () {
foreach(Touch touch in Input.touches)
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
fingerStart = touch.position;
fingerEnd = touch.position;
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved )
fingerEnd = touch.position;
if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
if((fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) > 80 || (fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) < -80) // Side to side Swipe
leftRight ++;
else if((fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y) < -80 || (fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y) > 80) // top to bottom swipe
upDown ++;
if(leftRight >= 3){
leftRight = 0;
if(upDown >= 4){
upDown = 0;
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The problem you are facing is that you have done your checks in TouchPhase.Ended. What you want to do is do your checks in TouchPhase.Moved, with less change in value (you use 80 in Ended, try something like 10 if the code doesn't work)
Unity documentation on TouchPhase http://docs.unity3d.com/ScriptReference/TouchPhase.html
foreach(Touch touch in Input.touches)
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began)
fingerStart = touch.position;
fingerEnd = touch.position;
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved )
fingerEnd = touch.position;
if((fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) > 80 ||
(fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) < -80) // Side to side Swipe
leftRight ++;
else if((fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y) < -80 ||
(fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y) > 80) // top to bottom swipe
upDown ++;
if(leftRight >= 3){
leftRight = 0;
if(upDown >= 4){
upDown = 0;
//After the checks are performed, set the fingerStart & fingerEnd to be the same
fingerStart = touch.position;
if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
leftRight = 0;
upDown = 0;
fingerStart = Vector2.zero;
fingerEnd = Vector2.zero;
If you want to explicitly check the pattern (i.e. Left -> right -> left) rather than just checking if some side / vertical movement will do it, since the code you have, try the code below. Don't forget to include the System.Collentions.Generic and System.Linq namespaces
private Vector2 fingerStart;
private Vector2 fingerEnd;
public enum Movement
public List<Movement> movements = new List<Movement>();
void Update () {
foreach(Touch touch in Input.touches)
if (touch.phase == TouchPhase.Began) {
fingerStart = touch.position;
fingerEnd = touch.position;
if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Moved) {
fingerEnd = touch.position;
//There is more movement on the X axis than the Y axis
if(Mathf.Abs(fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) > Mathf.Abs(fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y)) {
//Right Swipe
if((fingerEnd.x - fingerStart.x) > 0)
//Left Swipe
//More movement along the Y axis than the X axis
else {
//Upward Swipe
if((fingerEnd.y - fingerStart.y) > 0)
//Downward Swipe
//After the checks are performed, set the fingerStart & fingerEnd to be the same
fingerStart = touch.position;
//Now let check if the Movement pattern is what we want
//In this example, I'm checking whether the pattern is Left, then Right, then Left again
Debug.Log (CheckForPatternMove(0, 3, new List<Movement>() { Movement.Left, Movement.Right, Movement.Left } ));
if(touch.phase == TouchPhase.Ended)
fingerStart = Vector2.zero;
fingerEnd = Vector2.zero;
private bool CheckForPatternMove (int startIndex, int lengthOfPattern, List<Movement> movementToCheck) {
//If the currently stored movements are fewer than the length of the pattern to be detected
//it can never match the pattern. So, let get out
if(lengthOfPattern > movements.Count)
return false;
//In case the start index for the check plus the length of the pattern
//exceeds the movement list count, it'll throw an exception, so lets get out
if(startIndex + lengthOfPattern > movements.Count)
return false;
//Populate a temporary list with the respective elements
//from the movement list
List<Movement> tMovements = new List<Movement>();
for(int i = startIndex; i < startIndex + lengthOfPattern; i++)
//Now check whether the sequence of movements is the same as the pattern you want to check for
//The SequenceEqual method is in the System.Linq namespace
return tMovements.SequenceEqual(movementToCheck);
EDIT Added some more code as a sample
//The idea of a pattern match is to check for the exact same set of swipe gesture.
//This requires the following conditions to be met
// (a) The List of movements that need to be checked must be at least as long as the List of movements to check against.
// (b) The correct indices should be used for the startIndex. In this case I'm just using 0 as the startIndex.
// (c) Remember to clear the List right after you get a true return from the method, otherwise the next return will most likely be a false.
//Example - Training set is Left -> Right -> Left (This is what we want to check)
// Step 1 - User swipes LEFT, method returns false because there are too few Movements to check
// Step 2 - User swipes RIGHT, method returns false (same reason as above)
// Step 3a - User swipes RIGHT (L, R, R now) - false, incorrect pattern (L, R, R instead of L, R, L)
// Step 3b - User swipes LEFT (L, R, L now) - TRUE, Correct pattern!
//Immediately clear if Step 3b happens otherwise Step 4 will occur
// Step 4 - User swipes L or R (direction is immaterial right now), and method will return FALSE
// if you use the last three indexes!
//Pre-populating the movements List with L, R, L
movements = new List<Movement>()
//Checking a match against an L, R, L training set
//This prints true to the console
Debug.Log (CheckForPatternMove(0, 3, new List<Movement>() { Movement.Left, Movement.Right, Movement.Left } ));
This is what my update function looks like. Note the use of GetMouseButton over Input.touch
void Update () {
//Example usage in Update. Note how I use Input.GetMouseButton instead of Input.touch
//GetMouseButtonDown(0) instead of TouchPhase.Began
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
fingerStart = Input.mousePosition;
fingerEnd = Input.mousePosition;
//GetMouseButton instead of TouchPhase.Moved
//This returns true if the LMB is held down in standalone OR
//there is a single finger touch on a mobile device
if(Input.GetMouseButton(0)) {
fingerEnd = Input.mousePosition;
//There was some movement! The tolerance variable is to detect some useful movement
//i.e. an actual swipe rather than some jitter. This is the same as the value of 80
//you used in your original code.
if(Mathf.Abs(fingerEnd.x - fingerStart.x) > tolerance ||
Mathf.Abs(fingerEnd.y - fingerStart.y) > tolerance) {
//There is more movement on the X axis than the Y axis
if(Mathf.Abs(fingerStart.x - fingerEnd.x) > Mathf.Abs(fingerStart.y - fingerEnd.y)) {
//Right Swipe
if((fingerEnd.x - fingerStart.x) > 0)
//Left Swipe
//More movement along the Y axis than the X axis
else {
//Upward Swipe
if((fingerEnd.y - fingerStart.y) > 0)
//Downward Swipe
//After the checks are performed, set the fingerStart & fingerEnd to be the same
fingerStart = fingerEnd;
//Now let check if the Movement pattern is what we want
//In this example, I'm checking whether the pattern is Left, then Right, then Left again
Debug.Log (CheckForPatternMove(0, 3, new List<Movement>() { Movement.Left, Movement.Right, Movement.Left } ));
//GetMouseButtonUp(0) instead of TouchPhase.Ended
if(Input.GetMouseButtonUp(0)) {
fingerStart = Vector2.zero;
fingerEnd = Vector2.zero;
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