Splitting array in other arrays

I have an array that I need to split into different arrays. I have an array of strings and need to split it on different pages (different arrays).

First I get the length of the array using

int size = array.length;


And then I get the number of pages I need, knowing that each page should only have 10 lines

int numberOfPages = (int) Math.floor(size/10);


Then the user chooses which page he wants to see

int pageSelected = 2;


After that, I tried to split the array but got some exceptions. I tried:



I am getting an exception when I try to print the values ​​of a new array.

Do I need to split the array into "pages" and display those "pages" as requests?

@ Edit1 I am getting Nullpointer exception


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4 answers

Probably the error occurs on this line:



If there is an error in parentheses (this method requires three arguments, but in terms of the method, you only provide two: the last two are grouped by parentheses). You can use:



(removed 0+

as it doesn't make sense).

Also, you made a semantic mistake: 10*10+(pageSelected-1)

should be replaced with:10+10*(pageSelected-1

So the full line reads:



Though the best guide would be using small steps:

int i = pageSelected-1;
int g = 10*i;
Arrays.copyOfRange(array,g,g+10);//do something with the result


And for that you are better off using variables for constants, so - if you change your mind - you can easily change the number of elements on the page:

int i = pageSelected-1;
int perpage = 10;
int g = perpage*i;
Arrays.copyOfRange(array,g,g+perpage);//do something with the result


Finally, a little note: as @j_v_wow_d says, you must ceil

division, otherwise you will create one page for the items 11

. So the correct code is for numberOfPages


int numberOfPages = (int) Math.ceil((double) size/perpage);




If pageSelected

indexed so that 0 is first:

String[] array = {"a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f"};
int pageSize = 2;
int pageSelected = 2;
final String[] pageData =
                (pageSelected * pageSize),
                (pageSelected * pageSize) + pageSize);


The outcome of this is that pageData

contains ["e", "f"].



You can just do size / 10

; don't need to floor

or discard it.

Also, the expression from


should be 10 + (10 * (pageSelected - 1))






I think you mean this :)



Look at the position +

and *

after the second comma.

But it would be easier to read if it wasn't one-liner

int offset = 10 * (pageSelected - 1);
Arrays.copyOfRange(array, offset, offset + 10);


Or even better

public static final int PER_PAGE = 10; 

/* (...) */

int offset = PER_PAGE * (pageSelected - 1);
Arrays.copyOfRange(array, offset, offset + PER_PAGE);




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