The best alternative for rails

Is there an alternative to better_errors

gem? I am using jRuby and it doesn't work with jRuby. Or I want, when I have a bug in my application, like in a template, or somewhere, to see it in the browser and use the irb console from the internet.

Is there such a tool?


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1 answer

Your best bet is to use web_console , which is the default in Rail 4.2 .

Although support for jRuby is still experimental, as you can see in the project's README:

There is experimental support for JRuby 1.7. See the Installation section for more information.

If you are using JRuby, you can get experimental support with the addition of a pre-release binding_of_caller.

group :development do
  gem 'web-console', '~> 2.0'

  gem 'binding_of_caller', '0.7.3.pre1'


After saving the changes to the Gemfile, make sure you run the batch install and reboot the server to start the web console.



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