Accessing a dynamically allocated structure obtained over a socket

I am passing a dynamically allocated framework from server to client. The whole structure is received on the client side, but I am getting a segmentation error when accessing a structure member on the client side.

server code:

struct structure *struct1 = malloc(sizeof(struct structure)*count);

bytes = send(sockfd, (void*)&struct1, sizeof(struct structure));


client code:

struct structure *struct1 = malloc(sizeof(struct structure)*count);

bytes = recv(sockfd, (void*)&struct1, sizeof(struct structure));



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3 answers


function prototype

ssize_t send(int sockfd, const void *buf, size_t len, int flags);


The second argument must be of type const void *


The problem in your code is that you are not passing a pointer to a buffer, you are passing a pointer to a pointer to a buffer. Also, the typing is wrong.





(const void *)struct1


Note: IMO this will work [possibly better] without streaming. Try it.



You are specifying the address of a pointer to a void pointer. Do it



Remove the ampersand (&).



In c you don 't need to explicitly pass the address void *

. Better offload this to the compiler if appropriate headers are included.

Rewrite your send and receive calls as

send(sockfd,struct1, sizeof(struct structure));
recv(sockfd, struct1, sizeof(struct structure));


Also as a side note, you should check if the call was malloc

successful or not by writing something like:

if(NULL == struct1) {
  /* Error: malloc failed */




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