ImportError ropevim using the ropevim plugin in vim

As per the documentation for the Rover- Vim plugin, I install packages in Python-Rope and Python-Ropemode. However, when I try to open any file with vim, I get the following ImportError:

 Error detected while processing function LoadRope:
 line    4:
 Traceback (most recent call last):
   File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
 ImportError: No module named ropevim


I found that the Ropevim module is already in the plugins directory, but when I tried to import it:

python -c "import ropevim"


I am getting another ImportError:

Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
File "", line 10, in <module>
  import vim
ImportError: No module named vim


Am I missing any package? Some ideas? Thanks for the help.


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3 answers

I know this is not the answer you are looking for, but I am using the klen / python-mode plugin with the rope included and it works like a charm.

I also use Vim-Plug to manage my plugins and it's simple:

Plug 'klen/python-mode', { 'for': ['python'] }


Here is my .vimrc

Hope this helps! :)



Install ropevim with pip install ropevim




is currently a Python 2 project .

pip2 install --user --update ropevim




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