NumeralJS format of percent without multiplying by 100

In Handsontable, you can use an option format

in a cell numeric

to format the values ​​accordingly. Since it uses NumeralJS, I went through the documentation to see how to format the number to just add a% sign and not multiply by 100, but can't find how to do this without setting my own.

Cell example:

    "type": "numeric",
    "format": "0.00%"


When the value is 7, it displays "700.00%"

. I would like to show "7.00%". Any way to do this manually?


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1 answer

I don't think there is a way to do this now without making changes to the numeral.js file .

If you want you can edit function formatPercentage

(find in numberal.js ) by removing the part * 100


function formatPercentage (n, format, roundingFunction) {
    var space = '',
        value = n._value/* * 100*/; // comment out or remove * 100 here





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