Open in focus tabs before ui-select

I have a simple thing that I want to do - when someone visits my ui-select, I want it to fall automatically. Unfortunately, ng-focus doesn't fire when focus changes to ui-select. Is there a workaround?


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2 answers

Try this if you're looking for a quick workaround:

app.directive('showOnFocus', function() {
   return {
       restrict: 'A',
       link: function (scope, element) {
           var focused = false, opened = false;
           var select = element.children('.selectize-input');
           var toggleInput = element.find('input')[0];

           var onfocus = function(){
               if(!focused && !opened) {
                  opened = focused = true;
               } else if(opened) {
                  opened = false;
           var onhover = function(){
              if(!focused && !opened){
                  opened = focused = true;

           var onblur = function(){
              focused = false;
           element.bind('mouseenter', onhover);
           select.bind('blur', onblur);
           select.bind('focus', onfocus);

           //show on pageload


And apply the directive in the ui-select element

<ui-select show-on-focus>..</ui-select>


Hope it helps.



The showOnFocus directive didn't work for me. I added an additional input (hidden but not invisible), focused, and disabled the tabindex ui-select.

  <input class="custom-focuser" tabindex="0" style="left: 10000px"/>
  <ui-select tabindex="-1"/> 


Then, in the custom directive link function, I bind to the secondary input focus event.

app.directive('customDirective', function () {
  return {
    // ...
    link: function ($scope, el, attrs, ctrl) {
      el.find('.custom-focuser').focus(function (event) {
        //your custom logic here




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