PHP. Check if all array elements are in string.

I have an array, $my_array

containing the element n

and the line $my_string

. I want to check if ALL items $my_array

are in $my_string

. The order in which they appear on the line is not important as long as they are all there. I am looking for the most efficient solution to get it TRUE

only if all elements are present.


$my_array = array("big", "blue", "sky", "dog"); 
$my_string = "my big dog loves the blue sky"; 



$my_array = array("big", "blue", "sky", "dog"); 
$my_string = "the big blue sky"; 



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5 answers

Here you go, don't be afraid of arrays.

  $my_array = array("big", "blue", "sky", "dog");
  $my_string = "my big dog loves the blue sky"

  function arrayInString( array $my_array, $my_string ){
    $my_string = explode(' ', $my_string);
    // difference return all elements of array one not in array two
    $diff = array_diff($my_array, $my_string);
    if(empty( $diff )){
        //if there is no difference there are no elements not in the string.
        return true;
    return false;


Fun without loops!

If there is punctuation, you can use

preg_split('/^\w/', $my_string );


instead explode



2 ways I can think of. This first path is great if you know for sure that you can always share the given character (s). It's short, sweet and simple. Using array_dif

and simpleexplode

function isArrayInString($str, $ara, $splitter=" ") {
    $ret = array_diff($ara, explode($splitter, $str));
    return empty($ret);


However , this does not seem very dynamic and limits you to the base of the string "splitting". A simpler, possibly better way would be to loop through your array and ensure that each array value exists in a string using strpos


function isArrayInString($str, $ara, $splitter=" ") {
    foreach($ara as $v) if (strpos($str , $v) === false) return FALSE;
    return $TRUE;


So something like:

$myArray = array("big", "blue", "sky", "dog"); 
$myString = "my big dog loves the blue sky"; 
echo isArrayInString($myString, $myArray);


Will output TRUE

So far, something like:

$myArray = array("big", "blue", "sky", "dog"); 
$myString = "the big blue sky";
echo isArrayInString($myString, $myArray);


Will output FALSE



This should work for you:


    $my_array = array("big", "blue", "sky", "dog"); 
    $my_string = "my big dog loves the blue sky"; 

    $result = 0;

    foreach($my_array as $value) {
        if (strpos($my_string, $value) !== false) 

    if($result == count($my_array))
        echo "true";
        echo "false";








function allInString($str, $arr) {
    foreach ($arr as $a) {
       if (strpos($str, $a) === false) {
           return false;
    return true;




$my_array = array("big", "blue", "sky", "dog");
$my_string = "my big dog loves the blue sky";
$inArray = true;

foreach($my_array as $field)
    {echo "$field is not";
        return false;}
return true;




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